Do you remember your first time walking through the doors at 4710 International Blvd.? For many of us, that moment represented hope when we felt hopeless, community when we felt alone, and a chance at a new life when we thought all chances were gone.
Those open doors meant everything. But they didn't open themselves.
Every meeting that provided refuge, every coffee pot that sparked conversation, every piece of literature that offered guidance - these were all made possible by members who stepped up to serve. The lights were on, the chairs were set up, and most importantly, someone was there to say 'welcome.'
Today, our fellowship has several service positions that need to be filled. Without members stepping into these roles, we risk compromising the very experience that saved so many of us. Service isn't just about keeping the mechanics of our meetings running - it's about ensuring that the next person who needs help finds the same open door we did.

Service also offers profound gifts to those who step up:
It strengthens our sobriety by keeping us connected and accountable
It allows us to give back what was so freely given to us
It provides a sense of purpose and belonging
It helps us think less about ourselves and more about others
It puts the principles we learn into direct action
Currently, we need help with:
Beginner Meeting Coordinator
Online Meeting Acknowledgement
Intergroup Representative
Event Coordinator
Remember: none of us need to do everything, but each of us can do something.
If you're able to serve, please speak with any trusted servant, attend the next business meeting or reach out through our website.
The doors were open for us.
Together, let's make sure they stay open for others.
In fellowship, In Between Fellowship